A Comprehensive Guide to WhatsApp Business Description: Tips and Tricks

by Tim

Updated on May 1, 2024


What is a WhatsApp Business Description? 

Before we turn to the description, first, let's understand what a WhatsApp business account is? WhatsApp business is a messaging tool specifically designed for SMBs and other businesses to appropriately communicate with their potential and recurring customers. 

Similar to WhatsApp accounts, business accounts have a familiar layout with a few extra perks. One of these features is a WhatsApp business description. Simply put, it answers the questions of how to introduce your business on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp business description is found in the about section of your WhatsApp account. The about section contains necessary details about the business including name, address, contact number, and a WhatsApp business introduction message. 

The best description for WhatsApp is in accordance with the character limit of 139 containing necessary information about the business for the customer’s consumption. 

The Undeniable Importance of Active WhatsApp Business Accounts

The 21st century consumers are tech-savvy and demand an ultimate customer experience from beginning to end. A big part of this experience is being able to connect with their vendor and communicate with them 24/7. 

Since most users around the globe use WhatsApp as their primary source of contact, the messaging platform introduced an identical application for corporate communications known as WhatsApp business. It’s an effective line of connection between vendors and customers. 

Customers can easily get an idea of who their suppliers are through their description acting as a WhatsApp business introduction message. Moreover, they can ask important questions that can lead them to make a purchase. 

As an effective practice, the best about for WhatsApp contains essential information in the form of the name, how to contact, and what they can get from the particular company.

The best Practice For Writing an Effective WhatsApp Business Description. 

Here is a list of best practices to help you write an appropriate business description. 

Don’t Beat Around the Bush.

It's evident from the character limit set by WhatsApp that you don’t have much wiggle room and the best practice would be to keep content precise and to the point. Instead of wasting words on unnecessary and confusing marketing language, focus on conveying a message that best portrays your business. 

Clean, clear, concise, and compelling, the four Cs of marketing, keep this golden rule of marketing in mind while drafting best about of WhatsApp, especially the description part. 

What Makes you Better Than Others?

Businesses are always competing to get ahead of the curve and let their customers know why they are a better option. When writing the best group description in WhatsApp or a conventional business profile, the best way to capture the attention of visitors is by highlighting your unique selling points and offering a better shopping experience. 

Keep Your Tone Professional. 

Many people tend to go over the line while incorporating emojis and friendliness in their pitch or in this case WhatsApp description. 

Since you are a business, it’s important to create a balance of formality and friendliness while creating a highly convertible message that can help to push the potential customer over the line. 

Don’t forget the importance of an effective Call to Action. 

Call-to-action is the final persuasive tool to nudge the customer into making a purchasing decision and fruit to the efforts of creating a business profile with an effective description. 

Use a personalized and compelling CTA at the end of the description for maximum conversions. 


To sum up this guide, WhatsApp business is an essential tool for SMBs and the about section WhatsApp is just as important. Don’t over glamorize the pitch and end up straying away from the real message. It’s vital to keep your content targeted at the end goal and try to convey your message in a simpler and effective manner. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about WhatsApp business description.

What is a WhatsApp business description? 

WhatsApp business description is the introduction of a business mentioned in the About section of a WhatsApp business account. 

Why is WhatsApp business description vital?

Whatsapp description is the first encounter of a potential customer with your brand. It's immensely stressed by experts to write a precise description conveying a clear message.

What is the character limit of a WhatsApp business description?

According to WhatsApp guidelines, 139 characters is the limit set for a WhatsApp business description. 

How to write the best description for WhatsApp?

When writing the best WhatsApp description, remember the golden rule of digital marketing, clear, concise, compelling, and credible. Use this framework to convey an effective message to customers.


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