How to Get a Proxy For WhatsApp

by Tim

Updated on Apr 30, 2024


Whatsapp has become the go-to platform for people around the globe to share their thoughts and information. Be it a reminder for a meeting, a call to a loved one, or an important business matter, people tend to use WhatsApp for effective and reliable communication. The end-to-end encryption of the platform offers a secure connection and pathway for communication between users. 

Even with all the hype and billions of users around the world, some countries and organizations restrict the usage and features of the most popular messaging app in the world. Countries like China, North Korea, and UAE have restricted or banned the usage of WhatsApp causing major disruption in the flow of information between people.

Whatsapp proxy is a feature introduced by the app to counter this problem. Now, users can set proxy in WhatsApp with built-in Whatsapp proxy settings. This feature is great news for people living in areas with limited internet connectivity and WhatsApp restrictions. 

Before we delve into how to set proxy in WhatsApp, it’s important to enlighten some of our readers who are new to the concept of a proxy connection or server. 

What is a WhatsApp proxy?

A proxy in simple terms is a bypass system to connect your device with the internet or some website and apps underlying restrictions of connectivity and legalities. Often a VPN ( virtual private network ) server is used to tackle this problem where the proxy provider connects your device with the required website through an external private server offering addresses from countries where the website or app is legal to use. 

As VPN bypasses the entire connectivity protocol, the WhatsApp proxy provided by the popular messaging network works within the system without lagging the entire system. According to WhatsApp, users can go to the chat settings and set a proxy in WhatsApp for specific chats, groups, and contacts. 

How to set up a proxy for Android and iOS?

If you are having these issues and want to know how to set a proxy in WhatsApp, the following are the easy steps according to the guidelines of the WhatsApp proxy,

  • First of all, you must have the latest version of WhatsApp installed on your mobile device. 
  • Open WhatsApp and navigate to the settings tab. 
  • Go to the “Storage and Data” tab and then tap the “Proxy” option.
  • Tap the “Setup Proxy” and then tap “Proxy Address”. 
  • Enter a WhatsApp proxy number or a WhatsApp proxy address in the form of a DNS number or IP address. 
  • Users have the liberty to customize a specific chat port or media port depending on their preferences. 
  • Save the WhatsApp proxy settings by tapping the “Save” button. 
  • Complete the process by enabling “Use Proxy”. 
  • It is important to mention here that if you are unable to use a proxy, change the WhatsApp proxy address and try again. 

The process of setting a proxy for iOS is the same with minor interface changes like how to access the settings etc.

How to get a proxy address for WhatsApp?

At this point, you might be wondering what is a WhatsApp proxy address and how to acquire one. Whatsapp proxy number or address is an IP address or DNS number of a remote server given to the system to bypass the restrictions. 

There are no specific listings of all the WhatsApp proxy addresses but you can still find groups and organizations offering these addresses to help people enjoy the freedom of economical means of communication across the globe. 

Read Also: How To Save Multiple WhatsApp Contacts

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about WhatsApp proxy.

Is it possible to use WhatsApp without an internet connection?

It’s possible to use WhatsApp with minimum internet connectivity with the help of a WhatsApp proxy provided by the popular messaging app.

Why use WhatsApp proxy?

Many major countries like UAE, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, and China have put restrictions and bans on WhatsApp regardless of its importance and impact on global communication. In order to bypass these imposed restrictions, WhatsApp proxy is used. 

What are the drawbacks of using WhatsApp proxy?

Since the connection is altered and redirected, it causes lag in the network, slowing down the process.

Is WhatsApp proxy secure?

Yes, the proxy provided by the developer is secure with a little caution. The WhatsApp proxy address must be from a reliable source to ensure a secure communication line between users. Furthermore, if you are using a virtual private network (VPN), cautions are raised as you need to verify the authenticity of the provider. This is because a VPN will bypass the entire network for the mobile device and not just for WhatsApp. 

Is end-to-end encryption still intact even after using a proxy?

Yes, according to WhatsApp, they highly value the privacy and security of their users and offer end-to-end encryption even with the proxy protection. For many countries banning the app, this secure encryption is the main reason.


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