A Complete Guide to Improving customer support with WAWCD

by Tim

Updated on May 30, 2024


You're behind the times if you're still using old ways to help customers, like phone calls and emails. Support people today expect quick and easy help that meets them where they are on chat apps like WhatsApp. Yes, the most popular messaging app in the world (with more than 2 billion daily users) is quickly turning into a customer services hub. That's why WhatsApp is so popular with customers today: it lets them talk to each other in real time in a way that feels natural and comfortable. But being on WhatsApp isn't enough to provide great customer support. For it to really work, you need the right tools. This is where WAWCD, the best WhatsApp Chrome application, comes in.

Why WhatsApp is Good for customer support

In recent years, texting apps have become the most popular way for people to talk to each other. One app that has become very useful for customer service is WhatsApp. This is why WhatsApp is good for customer service:


1. Rising Popularity:

  • Message Apps are now an important part of everyday life. A poll of people in the US, UK, Brazil, and India found that more than 64% of them use messaging apps because they are "always messaging anyway."
  • More than 61% of consumers find messaging to be the easiest and most convenient way to contact a brand.


2. Global Reach:

  • WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app globally, with over 2 billion active daily users.
  •  It is available in 180 countries and supports 60 languages, making it an ideal platform for businesses to connect with a diverse audience.


3. Consumer Preferences:

  • Consumers prefer messaging apps for their speed and convenience. Over 59% believe messaging offers faster response times compared to other communication methods.
  • Another 59% feel that messaging a business provides better advice and care.
  • 49% believe messaging apps offer more truthful information.


Because of these benefits, it's easy to see why businesses should use WhatsApp for customer service. Being where your customers are isn't enough; you also need to give them a way to talk to you that they trust and like.


How to Use WAWCD for customer support

Businesses that want to improve their customer service on WhatsApp can get a lot of help from WAWCD. Businesses can easily reach a large group of people by using features like broadcasting messages to share deals or make announcements. Additionally, WAWCD's workflow and automation features let companies automatically respond to common questions, handle them right away, and streamline jobs that are done over and over again. This increases overall efficiency and makes sure that customers have great WhatsApp customer service.


It's easy to set up WAWCD for customer service on WhatsApp, and it can make your service much more effective. To get you started, here are some useful tips:

1. Setting Up WAWCD:

  •    Install the Extension: Begin by installing the WAWCD Chrome extension from the Chrome Web Store.
  •    Validate License Key: Ensure you have validated your license key to unlock all the features of WAWCD.

2. Creating Message Templates:

  •    New Message Template: Click on the "New Message Template" option.
  •    Choose Template Type: Select from text, media, attachments, contact cards, or button templates.
  •    Fill in Details: Enter the required information and click "Save Template".
  •    Quick Reply Toggle: Activate this for frequently used templates to have them easily accessible above your chat area.

3. Building Custom Audiences:

  •    Open the Audience Tab: Click "Create new Audience" and choose "Custom Audience".
  •    Upload CSV File: Upload your customer data and map rows to WAWCD properties.
  •    Save Audience: Click the "Save" button to finalize your custom audience.

4. Broadcasting Messages:

  •    Select a Template: Choose an appropriate message template for your broadcast.
  •    Choose Audience: Select your custom audience or use the Quick Broadcast feature for smaller groups.
  •    Adjust Timing Settings: Set the delay between messages to manage the flow of outgoing communications.

5. Automating Workflows:

  •    New Message Workflow: Click on "New Message Workflow" to create automated responses.
  •    Set Conditions and Actions: Define conditions such as specific keywords and actions like sending a pre-defined message or using ChatGPT for responses.
  •    Save Workflow: Ensure your workflow is saved and active to start automating responses.

6. Using WhatsApp Business App vs. WhatsApp Business API:

  •    WhatsApp Business App: Ideal for small to medium-sized businesses. It allows unlimited messaging and desktop management.
  •    WhatsApp Business API: Suited for larger enterprises, offering features like multiple numbers, push notifications, and extensive automation capabilities.


By following these steps, you can set up and optimize WAWCD for efficient and effective customer support on WhatsApp. This not only saves time but also ensures your customers receive timely and accurate support.

Practical Applications of WAWCD in customer support

1. Handling Complaints and Refund Requests:

  • Automated Process: Set up automated processes to handle refund requests and complaints quickly, making sure customers get updates and solutions on time.
  •    Human Handoff: Make sure that complicated problems are sent to real people when they need to be, and keep the balance between technology and personalized help.

2. Providing Pre-Purchase Assistance:

  •    Product Recommendations: Chatbots can help customers have a better shopping experience by suggesting items based on what they like and what they've bought before.
  •    Answering Queries: Quickly answer questions from potential customers about your goods, prices, or availability. This will help them make smart choices.

3. Collecting Customer Feedback:

  •    Interactive Surveys: Implement chatbot surveys to collect feedback in a conversational manner, increasing response rates and gaining valuable insights.
  •    Post-Interaction Follow-Ups: Send follow-up texts to customers after you talk to them to find out how satisfied they are and where you can improve.

Integrating WAWCD with Existing Customer Support Systems

For a smooth and quick customer experience, you must connect WAWCD to your current customer service tools. How to do it:

1. Integration Options

  •    CRM Integration: Connect WAWCD with your CRM to centralize customer data, enabling personalized and informed responses.
  •    Helpdesk Software: Integrate with tools like Zendesk or Freshdesk to manage tickets and track issues efficiently.
  •    Third-Party Integrations: Use WAWCD’s APIs to integrate with essential third-party applications, such as marketing automation and analytics tools.

2. Making use of WAWCD's APIs

  •    Automate Workflows: Automatically create support tickets in your helpdesk system when a customer messages through WhatsApp.
  •    Data Syncing: Synchronize customer data across all systems in real-time.
  •    Enhanced Reporting: Integrate with reporting tools to analyze support performance and identify trends.

3. Making an omnichannel experience that flows smoothly

  •    Unified Customer View: Maintain a unified view of interactions across all channels.
  •    Consistent Branding: Ensure consistent communication style and branding across all channels.
  •    Smooth Channel Transitions: Enable customers to switch channels without losing context.

4. Case Studies and Examples

  •    Success Stories: Highlight businesses that have successfully integrated WAWCD, showcasing improvements in customer satisfaction and efficiency.
  •    Lessons Learned: Share insights into best practices and common pitfalls to help other businesses streamline their integration process.


Integrating WAWCD to your current systems makes the experience for your customers better and boosts the performance and productivity of your support team.

Optimizing WAWCD for Multichannel Customer Support

To meet all of your customers' wants, you need to offer customer service through a variety of channels. This is how WAWCD can help you improve your digital customer service plan:

1. Multichannel Support Importance

  •    Customer Preferences: Different customers prefer different communication channels—WhatsApp, email, phone, and social media.
  •    Enhanced Reach: Expanding support across multiple channels increases your accessibility and responsiveness.

2. WAWCD's Multichannel Capabilities

  •    Unified Communication: Manage interactions from various channels within WAWCD, maintaining a seamless workflow.
  •    Consistent Branding: Ensure consistent messaging and branding across all platforms.
  •    Centralized Dashboard: Monitor and manage all customer interactions from a single, unified dashboard.

3. Tips on How to Make Transitions Smooth

  •    Context Retention: Ensure customer conversations retain context when transitioning between channels.
  •    Consistent Quality: Maintain high-quality service standards across all channels.
  •    Integrated Systems: Sync WAWCD with other support tools to streamline operations and improve efficiency.

4. Best Practices for Multichannel Support

  •    Training and Guidelines: Train your support team to handle multichannel interactions efficiently.
  •    Feedback Loops: Collect and analyze customer feedback from all channels to continuously improve your support strategy.
  •    Proactive Outreach: Use WAWCD to proactively engage with customers across different platforms, anticipating their needs and resolving issues promptly.


WAWCD presents a pivotal solution for businesses aiming to excel in customer support on WhatsApp. Together, the wide reach and ease of use of WhatsApp and the powerful features of WAWCD can help businesses improve customer satisfaction and automate their support processes. Businesses can make sure that the level of service is the same across all platforms by integrating WAWCD with existing systems and using multichannel support strategies. Adopting WAWCD is more than just a step towards better customer service; it's a giant leap towards business growth and success.


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