How to Use WhatsApp Web Login for Video Calls

by Tim

Updated on May 30, 2024


As the need for smooth contact grows, WhatsApp Web has become an important tool for many users. With Whatsapp Web, you can not only use your computer to access your WhatsApp account, but you can also make video calls right from your computer. We'll cover everything you need to know about using WhatsApp Web for video calls in this guide, from how to set it up to how to fix problems and make the most of it.

Requirements for WhatsApp Web Video Calls

It's important to make sure that your system meets the standards before you start making video calls on WhatsApp Web. Know this:

1. Supported Operating Systems

WhatsApp Web video calls are supported on specific operating systems:

  • Windows: Your computer should be running Windows 10 64-bit version 1903 or newer to utilize the video calling feature.
  • macOS: For Mac users, WhatsApp Web video calls are supported on macOS 10.13 High Sierra and newer versions.

2. Hardware Requirements

To make and receive video calls on WhatsApp Web, your computer must have the following hardware components:

  • Microphone: A functioning microphone is essential for both voice and video calls, allowing you to communicate with your contacts effectively.
  • Camera: You'll need a camera on your computer to engage in video calls, enabling you to see and be seen by the person you're calling.
  • Speakers: Proper audio output devices, such as speakers or headphones, are necessary to hear the voice of the person you're calling.

3. Granting Necessary Permissions

To ensure that WhatsApp Web can access your computer's microphone and camera, you'll need to grant the necessary permissions:

  • Windows: Navigate to your computer's settings and locate the privacy settings. From there, adjust the permissions to allow WhatsApp access to your microphone and camera.
  • macOS: On macOS, access the security and privacy settings from the system preferences. Grant WhatsApp permission to access your microphone and camera by adjusting the settings accordingly.

You can make and receive video calls on WhatsApp Web without any problems if you make sure your system meets these requirements and give the app the rights it needs.

How to Set Up WhatsApp Web for Video Calls

Now that you've confirmed that your system meets the requirements for WhatsApp Web video calls, it's time to set up WhatsApp Web on your computer. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Download and Install the WhatsApp Desktop App

  1. Visit the official WhatsApp website and download the WhatsApp desktop application suitable for your operating system (Windows or macOS).
  2. Once the download is complete, open the installation file and follow the on-screen instructions to install the application on your computer.

Step 2: Link Your Mobile Device

  1. Open WhatsApp on your smartphone.
  2. Navigate to the settings menu within the WhatsApp mobile app.
  3. Look for the option labeled "WhatsApp Web/Desktop" and select it.
  4. Tap on "Link A Device" to initiate the linking process.

Step 3: Scan the QR Code

  1. After selecting "Link A Device" on your mobile device, a QR code scanner will appear.
  2. Open the WhatsApp desktop application on your computer.
  3. Navigate to the settings menu within the WhatsApp desktop app and select the option labeled "WhatsApp Web."
  4. Use your mobile device to scan the QR code displayed on your computer screen.

Step 4: Grant Necessary Permissions

Once you've successfully scanned the QR code, WhatsApp Web will be linked to your mobile device. Make sure to grant the necessary permissions for microphone and camera access when prompted. This will allow WhatsApp to use these hardware components for video calls.

Step 5: Start Making Video Calls

With WhatsApp Web set up on your computer, you're now ready to start making video calls. Simply open a chat with the contact you want to call and click on the video call icon to initiate a video call.

Troubleshooting Tips for WhatsApp Web Setup

Usually setting up WhatsApp Web for video calls is easy, but sometimes you might run into problems. Here’s How you can fix these common problems:

1. QR Code Not Scanning

  • Make sure that your mobile device's camera is functioning properly and has a clear view of the QR code displayed on your computer screen.
  • Clean the camera lens on your mobile device to remove any dirt or smudges that may be obstructing the view.
  • Make sure that the lighting conditions are adequate for the QR code scanner to work effectively.

2. Permissions Not Granted

  • If WhatsApp Web is unable to access your computer's microphone and camera, check the privacy settings on your operating system.
  • In Windows, go to SettingsPrivacyMicrophone/Camera and ensure that the switch next to "WhatsAppOn.
  • On macOS, navigate to System Preferences Security & PrivacyPrivacy, and grant WhatsApp permission to access your microphone and camera.

3. Connection Issues

  • Ensure that your computer and mobile device are connected to the internet and are on the same network.
  • If you're using a VPN or firewall, temporarily disable it to see if it's causing the connection issue.
  • Restart both your computer and mobile device to refresh the connection.

4. App Updates

  • Make sure that both the WhatsApp desktop application and the mobile app are updated to the latest versions. Outdated versions may have compatibility issues that can cause problems during setup.
  • Check for updates in the respective app stores and install any available updates.

These tips will help you fix common problems that may come up during the setup process so that your WhatsApp Web video calls go smoothly.

Making Video Calls on WhatsApp Web

Now that you have successfully set up WhatsApp Web on your computer, it's time to start making video calls. Follow these simple steps to initiate a video call with your contacts:

Step 1: Open WhatsApp Web

Launch the WhatsApp desktop application on your computer and log in using the QR code scan method we covered earlier.

Step 2: Select a Contact

From your list of contacts or chats, choose the person you want to call. Click on their name to open the chat window.

Step 3: Initiate the Video Call

In the chat window, locate the video call icon. It is usually represented by a camera symbol. Click on this icon to initiate a video call with the selected contact.

Step 4: Manage Call Settings

During the video call, you'll see several icons and options that allow you to manage your call settings:

  • Camera Icon: Clicking on this icon allows you to toggle your camera on or off during the call. If you started with a voice call, clicking this icon will switch to a video call.
  • Microphone Icon: Use this icon to mute or unmute your microphone during the call.
  • Three-Dot Icon: Clicking on this icon opens additional settings, such as adjusting camera and microphone settings or ending the call.
  • End Call Button: To end the call, simply click on the red "End Call" button.

Step 5: Enjoy Your Video Call

Once the call is connected, you can enjoy a face-to-face conversation with your contact. Make sure to position yourself in front of the camera and speak clearly for the best communication experience.

Limitations of WhatsApp Web Video Calls

While WhatsApp Web offers convenient access to messaging and video calling from your computer, it's important to be aware of certain limitations associated with its video call feature:

1. No Support for Group Video Calls

As of now, WhatsApp Web does not support group video calls. You can only initiate one-to-one video calls with individual contacts.

2. No Support for Virtual Audio and Video Devices

WhatsApp Web does not support virtual audio and video devices, which may limit your ability to use certain third-party accessories or software for video calls.

3. Browser Version Limitations

Although WhatsApp Web is accessible through web browsers, the video calling feature is only available in the dedicated desktop application for Windows and macOS. Users accessing WhatsApp Web via a browser will not be able to make video calls.

Even with these limitations, WhatsApp Web is still a useful communication app because it lets you easily send messages and make one-on-one video talks from your phone to your computer.

Competitive Comparison of WhatsApp Web Video Calls

Let's look at how WhatsApp Web video calls relate to other similar services to give you a full picture of what it can do:

1. WhatsApp Web vs. Skype

  • WhatsApp Web: Allows one-on-one video calls through its desktop app, and the connection between your phone and computer is smooth.
  • Skype: It lets you make video calls to one person or to a group, and it has tools like screen sharing and call recording. It does, however, need a different account and application installation.

2. WhatsApp Web vs. Zoom

  • WhatsApp Web: Only the PC app can make one-on-one video calls, but it syncs with the mobile app in real-time.
  • Zoom: Zoom is known for its ability to support group videoconferencing. It also supports big meetings with virtual backgrounds and breakout rooms. But you need a separate account and to run software for it.

3. WhatsApp Web vs. Google Meet

  • WhatsApp Web: It was mainly made for personal contact, and the desktop app lets you make one-on-one video calls.
  • Google Meet: Google Meet lets you make video calls with a lot of people and works with Google Workspace. It can be used for personal or business purposes. You need a Google account to use it, and you can do so through a web computer or a special app.

Some advanced features may be missing from WhatsApp Web video calls compared to Skype, Zoom, and Google Meet, but they are very easy to use and work well with the mobile app. WhatsApp Web is an easy way to talk to people one-on-one and hold smaller meetings right from your computer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about WhatsApp Web Video Calls

Here are answers to some common questions users may have about making video calls on WhatsApp Web:

1. Can I Make Group Video Calls on WhatsApp Web?

No, WhatsApp Web currently supports only one-to-one video calls. Group video calls are not available on the web version at this time.

2. Do I Need to Install Any Additional Software for WhatsApp Web Video Calls?

Yes, you'll need to download and install the WhatsApp desktop application for Windows or macOS to make video calls on WhatsApp Web. The video calling feature is not available through the browser version.

3. Can I Use WhatsApp Web on Any Web Browser?

WhatsApp Web is primarily designed for use with Google Chrome, but it also works with other modern web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari. However, some features may be limited on browsers other than Chrome.


4. How Can I Ensure Privacy and Security During Video Calls on WhatsApp Web?

To stay safe and private during WhatsApp Web video talks, don't share private information, and pay attention to what's going on around you. Also, make sure that WhatsApp can only use your computer's microphone and camera when it needs to, and make sure that your software is always up to date to avoid security holes.

5. Are WhatsApp Web Video Calls Encrypted?

When you make a video call on WhatsApp Web, it is secured from end to end, just like any other WhatsApp call. This means that only you and the person you're calling can hear and see your calls secretly.

6. Can I Record Video Calls on WhatsApp Web?

The web version of WhatsApp does not have a built-in way to record video talks. You can record your video calls, though, with third-party screen recording tools or apps.

7. Is WhatsApp Web Free to Use for Video Calls?

Yes, you can use WhatsApp Web for free to talk on the phone and in videos. Depending on your internet service company, you may have to pay extra for data.


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